Art History, Artists, On this day...

On this day… died Harriet Powers

Hi everyone, let’s start this 2020 remembering the African American slave and folk artist Harriet Powers. She is famous for being a quilt maker who used traditional appliqué (ornamental needlework) techniques to record local legends, biblical stories or astronomical events on her quilts. Harriet Powers in 1901 (Photo credit: Wikimedia commons) Unfortunately, only two of… Continue reading On this day… died Harriet Powers

Art, Artists, Painters, Who was/is

Who was Uemura Shoen?

Uemura Shoen was the pseudonym of Uemura Tsune, an important artist in Meiji, Taisho and early Showa period Japanese painting. To those who are not familiar with the history of Japan, the Meiji period starts at late 19th century and the Taisho and Showa cover almost all 20th century. Daughter Miyuki by Uemura Shoen -… Continue reading Who was Uemura Shoen?

Art History, Baroque, Painters

Porcia by Elisabetta Sirani

Porcia wounding her thigh by Elisabetta Sirani refers to the history of Porcia Catonis, a Roman woman famous for being the wife of one of Julius Caesar's assassins. Elisabetta Sirani was an Italian painter of Baroque period and she was the most famous woman artist in early modern Bologna and established an academy for other women… Continue reading Porcia by Elisabetta Sirani

Artists, Painters

Pregnant Maria by Alice Neel

Alice Neel was an American painter best known for her expressionists portraits. In her work, she made a dynamic use of colour and line to captured the emotional life of the models, she wanted to put the psychological side of her models in the paintings. Whether I'm painting or not, I have this overwhelming interest… Continue reading Pregnant Maria by Alice Neel

Art History, Artists, Exhibitions

ArtExhibition: All Variations Are Valid, Including this One

The new exhibition of Esther Ferrer in Madrid is very innovative. It’s a journey through her artistic career but more than this it’s a biographical exhibition, because all her works respond to an intimate thought, mood or interest. Esther Ferrer I think art is the only space of freedom that I have” Esther Ferrer is… Continue reading ArtExhibition: All Variations Are Valid, Including this One