Artists, Who was/is

Who is Adriana Varejão?

Adriana Varejão is a Brazilian multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. Her works include very different medias such as painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, and photography that she uses to draw up tensions surrounding questions of gender and ethnicity in her country. Adriana Varejão Life and Career Throughout a variety of medias… Continue reading Who is Adriana Varejão?

contemporary artist

Interview with Contemporary Artist Juliana Naufel

Hey there! I know I've been a little absent these last weeks, but I couldn't left you without the third interview with a contemporary artist. This time with the Brazilian embroidery and mixed media artist Juliana Naufel I hope you enjoy it! Hi Women’n Art Blog, thank you so much for having me here! My… Continue reading Interview with Contemporary Artist Juliana Naufel

art news, painting

ArtNews: Painting of Tarsila do Amaral go on sale

Brazilian Justice determines the sale of Tarsila do Amaral’s painting for R$42,5 million (around €7 million or $7,88 million) in cash. The painting belonged to a bankrupt businessman who is involved in a political scandal in the country. It was confiscated by Brazilian Justice, as well as other assets, to go on sale in order… Continue reading ArtNews: Painting of Tarsila do Amaral go on sale

Art, Composers, Who was/is

The Lady of Carnival

Carnival is coming, it's a very popular party all over the world, celebrated in different ways. Today I want to talk about the story of a woman who has forever changed the carnival of her country, Brazil. Francisca Edwiges Neves Gonzaga, or as she’s better known Chiquinha Gonzaga, was a Brazilian composer, pianist and the… Continue reading The Lady of Carnival

Art History, Artists

I wish your wish by Rivane Neuenschwander

Last week, visiting an art exhibition I had the opportunity to see an art installation called I wish your wish by the Brazilian artist Rivane Neuenschwander. When I entered the installation I felt immediately transported to my homeland, and so many memories came. And immediately I wished to tell you about this beautiful work. The… Continue reading I wish your wish by Rivane Neuenschwander