On this day..., Painters

On this day… was born Raquel Forner

Raquel Forner was an Argentinian painter, sculptor, engraver and drawing teacher who created a non-figurative painting characterised by the pain, later her work acquired symbolist aspects influenced by the Expressionism. She exhibited in the some of the main galleries and museums of Europe and America. Raquel Forner When she was 12, she travelled to Spain… Continue reading On this day… was born Raquel Forner

On this day..., Painters

On this day… died Dora Carrington

Dora Carrington was an English painter and decorative artist who is also remembered for her association with the Bloomsbury Group, especially with the writer Lytton Strachey. Self-portrait by Dora Carrington, 1910 Carrington studied at the all-girls Bedford High School which emphasised art, but her parents paid for her to receive extra drawing lessons. By 1910… Continue reading On this day… died Dora Carrington

Art History, On this day..., Painters

On this day… was born Edith Martineau

On this day in 1842 was born in Liverpool the watercolour painter Edith Martineau. She was the daughter of an eminent Unitarian minister and her sister Gertrude Martineau was a painter of animals. Woman with flowers by Edith Martineau)Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)A flower girl by Edith Martineau(Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons) She started her art education… Continue reading On this day… was born Edith Martineau

Art History, Artists, On this day...

On this day… died Harriet Powers

Hi everyone, let’s start this 2020 remembering the African American slave and folk artist Harriet Powers. She is famous for being a quilt maker who used traditional appliqué (ornamental needlework) techniques to record local legends, biblical stories or astronomical events on her quilts. Harriet Powers in 1901 (Photo credit: Wikimedia commons) Unfortunately, only two of… Continue reading On this day… died Harriet Powers

Artists, On this day..., Painters

On this day… was born Marie-Guillemine Benoist

Marie-Guillemine Benoist was a French neoclassical painter of the 18th century who started her artistic training under Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun. She was also a pupil of the renowned painter Jacques-Louis David’s atelier five years later with her sister Marie-Élisabeth Laville-Leroux. L'artiste, copiant le Bélisaire et l'enfant à mi-corps de David by Marie-Guillemine Benoist, 1790… Continue reading On this day… was born Marie-Guillemine Benoist