Art History, Artists, Pre-Raphaelite

The Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood

When we think on Pre-Raphaelite art many names come instantly to our minds, such as John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt, Ford Madox Brown, Edward Burne-Jones, John William Waterhouse to name just a few. But the images that come to our mind are always the idealised image of a delicate woman. Beata… Continue reading The Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood

Photographers, Who was/is

Who was Julia Margaret Cameron?

Julia Margaret Cameron, considered one of the most important portraitists of the 19th century, was a British photographer. She is famous for her illustrative images depicting characters form mythology, Christianity, and literature, as well as for her soft-focus close-ups of famous Victorian men and sensitive portraits of women and children. Alice Liddell as Pomona by… Continue reading Who was Julia Margaret Cameron?

Photographers, Photography, Pre-Raphaelite

The Rosebud Garden of Girls by Julia Margaret Cameron

Julia Margaret Cameron was one of the most important and innovative photographers of the 19th century. Her photographs purposely out of focus, often including scratches, smudges and other traces of the artistic’s process were considered rule-breaking by the critics of her time. She started taking up photography for her amusement at the age of 48,… Continue reading The Rosebud Garden of Girls by Julia Margaret Cameron